Saturday 6th January 2007, 7.30 pmPhoto of Alberton House, Auckland, New Zealand

Alberton House, Mt Albert, Auckland, N.Z.

The world is becoming a smaller place thanks to the Internet, and there's no better proof of that than the partnership of Bruce Paine and Derek Hasted.  From tentative emails via some mutual friends, to a short stay in the UK as part of Bruce's first European tour, to a visit to NZ by Derek, to a massive concert in the UK by Bruce, to a return visit by Derek.  None of this would have been possible without the Internet. Far from making the world more impersonal, more computer-based, we're finding that it brings great friendship, great joy and great fun.

Alberton House, Auckland, New ZealandBruce and Derek shared the spirit of their friendship with an informal concert that took place at Alberton House in Auckland, New Zealand.  A large audience of invited guests enjoyed an evening of superb music, plenty of laughter and good will.

Following the main event, the audience was treated to a mystery guest appearance by local Auckland based rock 'n rollers Psychedelic Steve and Norm the Storm.

Derek Hasted and Bruce Paine wearing wigs on stage