Concerts in the Czech Republic with Stepan Rak - September 1998

Opocno Palace, Opocno, Czech Republic

Photo of Bruce Paine playing at Opocno PalacePhoto of Bruce Paine and Stepan Rak at Opocno PalacePhoto of Opocno Castle 

(Click on an image to enlarge (Right hand picture links to another website)
Bruce Paine was invited guest artist for this shared concert with Stepan Rak on the evening of the town of Opocno's 900th anniversary celebrations.

Prague old town squarePalace at the Stone Bell, Prague

House at the Stone Bell, Old Town Square, Prague 

In 1998 Bruce Paine was invited as guest artist for a performance with Stapan Rak in the heart of Prague. It took place in the "House at the Stone Bell" - a most precious "burgess house" from the Middle Ages. Originally Romanesque, later remodeled in Gothic style with a two-storey facade dating from the 14th century, renovated in 1988. Currently it serves as an exhibition and concert hall. The performance was warmly received by a most enthusiastic audience of specially invited guests.